Finding Hawaii Schools for Military Families

Geographic Exceptions

Parents nowadays have more options on where to send their children to school.  While some parents send their children to neighborhood district schools assigned to them for proximity reasons; others send them to schools where they feel their children will flourish academically and imbibe values that is important in their family. In Hawaii, and in most states, school-aged children are required to attend school in the school district where they reside. Geographic Exception permits your children to attend school outside your district assignment.  This may be granted or denied after careful evaluation of the reasons on why the student is requesting for transfer.


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Transition Centers

Relocation can cause mixed emotions for children, including stress, excitement and anxiety.  There is the dread of leaving old friends behind, military parents being deployed and the uncertainty of trying to establish new relationships in an unfamiliar place.  Changing schools is probably the most stressful part of the relocation process, especially if the transfer is made in the middle of the school year.


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