Accountability Resources Center Hawaii (ARCH)

ARCH provides educational assessment and accountability information for administrators, teachers, parents, policy-makers and the community at large. The resources in this site include a variety of reports, ranging from No Child Left Behind, School Status and Improvement Report to statewide surveys and related documents.

This Web site is managed by the System Evaluation and Reporting Section (SERS) of the state's Systems Accountability Office. SERS supports the DOE's assessment and accountability system by providing a range of reporting, evaluation and consultation services. This includes:

  • Developing and implementing components related to school evaluation.
  • Conducting research and development work on educational indicators and analyses.
  • Preparing evaluation reports of school performance and improvement efforts.

Reports published by SERS provide data, a quantifiable perspective on how schools are progressing. The reports keep the general public informed while providing school principals, DOE personnel and lawmakers with the information they need to help schools improve.

The majority of reports produced by SERS are mandated by the State legislature. Reports such as the School Status and Improvement Report (SSIR), School Quality Survey (SQS), Trend Report, and Senior Exit Plans Survey (SEPS) provide data regarding the performance of schools on a variety of indicators. For example, the SSIR provides data on indicators such as school setting, school improvement goals, teacher and staffing levels, school facilities, student conduct, dropouts, and graduation/retention rates. In addition to the State legislatively mandated reports, SERS prepares individual school and overall state accountability reports required by the Federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act. NCLB reports focus on a school's ability to demonstrate student proficiency in reading and math, as well as, student graduation/retention rates, and teacher qualifications. This Web site is an essential means for disseminating reports relating to accountability for State DOE schools.

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